The Wasatch News that is emailed out from our school secretary involves a lot of important information that each parent should be aware of. It also involves a lot of information that doesn't have to do with your second grader. Here is a copy and paste edition of the Wasatch News about things that would apply to you and your second grader: WASATCH NEWS No. 6
11 September 2009
1. School Picture Day - September 16th. The picture day forms that were sent home earlier this week were the wrong forms. They accidentally sent us the High School forms. Please throw them away (or recycle them)
New forms will be sent home on Monday with correct information regarding prices, packages and class pictures. Please watch for these and use these to order pictures. We are sorry for the confusion.
Every student will have their picture taken and be a part of the class group shot even if you choose not to purchase pictures so please have your student here on time and ready for pictures. Pre-Schoolers and/or family members are invited to have their pictures taken from 11:30-12:00 if you would like to have them come for pictures too.
2. Attendance Hotline 801-374-4911 - If your student will be absent from school or will be coming late, we want to know about it. Please call the HOTLINE and leave us a message detailing the absence. If your student is seen by a doctor be sure to get a note from the doctor and send it in to the office when your student returns.
3. Checking out a Student Early - On the rare occasion that a parent needs to pick a student up early from school, the parent must come into the office and sign the student out. For the protection of your kids, the teachers will not release them without notification from the office. We cannot let students leave without parent permission so please come to the office and we will call your student to come meet you there. Please do not go to get your students from class.
4. Phone Call Policies - Parents, please be aware that class time is precious and we are trying to protect the instructional time we have been given. Phone calls during the day interrupt instruction time and student learning. Just think that every time the phone rings it causes the students to lose focus on what the class is doing. If you need to contact your student's teacher please do so before or after school or e-mail them. We encourage you to do everything you can to make "go-home" instructions and other arrangements with your children before school in order to limit the number of interruptions made to the classrooms. If it is an emergency, we will always address it immediately. We appreciate your understanding.
5. School T-Shirts and Sweat Shirts - $9 for shirts, $18 for Youth Sweat shirts and $22 for Adult Sweat shirts. Sweat shirts will be zip up hoodies that are available in both black or red. Everything needs to be pre-ordered. If you want one they will be for sale on FRIDAYS after school outside the Main Office. Checks are payable to PAWS. They must be pre-ordered before Sept 25 if you want one.
6. Lunch Reminder ‑ There is a NO CHARGE policy for lunch. School Lunch prices are $1.75 each and the lunch computers will not allow students to charge so please plan ahead. If there is not money on the account your student will not be allowed to eat school lunch. You can pay for school lunches with cash or check in the office (payable to Wasatch Elementary School). You can also pay online with a check or credit card by visiting the District Child Nutrition Website .
7. Free/Reduced Lunch applications are available. Anyone who was free or reduced for school lunch last year, and has not reapplied this year, your lunch status from last year will expire on 9/25/09. At that time your child will be switched to full pay lunch. Please be sure to get in a new application ASAP so you don't have an interruption in your lunch status. You can turn them in to the school any time. Parents are responsible to pay for lunches or provide one from home until your application has been approved. They usually take 10 days to be processed, so get them in early. The sooner you turn your application in to the office the sooner it will be approved.
8. Fall Festival - Fri September 25th 4:00-8:00
Mark your calendars for Friday, September 25 from 4:00 - 8:00 for the annual Wasatch Fall Festival! The festival will be located in back of the school this year (to the east of the lunchroom and the gym). This will give everyone extra parking to the south of the school and provide a great enclosed area for the games, food, and fun!
If you haven't yet signed up to help with your assigned classroom game for a thirty minute time slot, please say "Yes" to your teacher's room rep when she calls you to volunteer. Everyone needs to help out to make this a great festival for your children!
Watch for upcoming information on the Pop Parade and Silent Auction! Call Tia Hayward at 801-375-1623 if you have any questions or if you want to help. We can't wait to see you there!
9. Calling on All Wasatch Stars to give generously to the silent auction. The paparazzi is hot on our tail. We need to act fast! We would like each family at Wasatch to donate 1 item to the silent auction for the Fall Festival! Desired items are hand-crafted, services or local business donations (gift certificates or items).
*drop items off at main office by Monday, Sept. 21, if possible
*attach information such as 1) your name 2) donated by whom 3) retail value
*if a letter is needed for tax purposes, contact Kim Santiago at
*questions, contact Stasie Rose at 801-358-9885 or Kim at 801-836-3008
*WASATCH ALUMNI items will be spotlighted
10. Class Baskets for the Silent Auction - Every year, each class has the opportunity to put together a basket that is then donated to the silent auction at the Fall Festival. Each class has a theme and we are asking parents and students to send in NEW items that coordinate with your class theme. The baskets are then assembled and auctioned off at the fall festival. All items need to be brought to the TEACHER by Wed Sept 23 so that the room reps have plenty of time to assemble the baskets. If you have any questions please contact Coreena White 801-473-1128 or Kimberly Lohner 801-319-5157. Below is a list of the classrooms and their assigned basket theme:
K-Werner: Items a baby uses and needs
K-Whitaker: Anything Disney
K-Laurie Porter (kindergarten): Dolls, Doll houses or Barbie
K-Perry: Scrapbook stuff or handmade cards
1st-Loveless/Li: Anything to make a fun "date night"
1st-Ord: lotions, bubble bath, treats and things to "pamper me"
1st-Stewart: Dress ups, pretend play things for girls or boys
1st-Toluta'u: Games, puzzles, Treats for a family fun night.
1st-Julie Porter (1st grade-Morning class): books, or books on tape
1st-West (morning class): Hair necessities
2nd-Avery: Super hero things
2nd-Bingham: Planes, Trains, Transformers
2nd-Wilde: 72 hour kits/first aid supplies
2nd/3rd-Evensen: Art/craft supplies
3rd-Archibald: Halloween Fun
3rd-Dickson: Cooking things
3rd-Nelson/Mattinson: Christmas things
4th-Park: DVD's snacks, movie passes and movie fun
4th-Starr: Musical Fun
4th-Whatcott: Festival of Fall-items to do with fall
5th-Davis: Chocolate Anything
5th-Lovell: Gift Wrapping Supplies
5th-Hatch: Anything about Pets
6th-McFarland: Harry Potter, magic anything
6th-Stocking: Fun in the sun-sports, summer, beach gear
6th-Workman: Traveling games, coloring books, car kits
Be creative and bring something fun to contribute to your class basket. These are always a hit!
Thank you,
Jayne Smith
Wasatch Elementary School