Our class has adopted a way to help us stay on task-cubes. Each day every student starts out with 4 cubes that they keep in their desk. When they are having a hard time staying on task-they lose a cube. Our goal is to have everyone have all their cubes at the end of the day. I love this new idea and I think it has really helped the students.
Some of the reasons why I love it
- It is personal-they keep the cubes in their desk, where only they know the status of how many they've lost.
- It is tangible-they literally can see how many cubes they have at any given time of the school day. Also, when they need to give me one they hand over the cube and physically make the connection of the consequence of their action.
- I can quickly and quietly remind any given student that they want to end the day with all four cubes. Then, that child is able to do a 'self-check' and get back on task.
- It's individual-You have four cubes and only your actions could change that. No one can make anyone else lose a cube.
- One cube-lose one minute of recess
- Two cubes-lose 5 minutes of recess
- Three cubes-lose 5 minutes of recess and Miss Bingham sends mom and dad a note home letting them know you had a hard time staying on task.
- Four cubes-All of the above, and a visit with Mrs. Densley
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